Lacrosse Terms and Definitions


  • Attack The offensive players who work to score goals.
  • Alley An area of the field extending from the sideline toward the goal.


  • Box Lacrosse A version of lacrosse played indoors in a hockey rink with walls.
  • Backdoor Cut A move by an offensive player to get behind a defender for a pass.
  • Ball Carrier The player in possession of the ball.
  • Body Check Contact with an opponent to dislodge the ball or impede their movement.


  • Clear The action of moving the ball from the defensive end to the offensive end.
  • Composite A type of material used in the shaft of the lacrosse stick.
  • Cradling The technique used to keep the ball in the stick’s pocket while moving.
  • Crease A circle around the goal designed to protect the goalie; offensive players cannot enter.
  • Cross Check A type of body check using the shaft of the lacrosse stick.


  • Defense The players focused on stopping the opposing team from scoring.
  • Dodge A move by a player to get past an opponent.


  • Ejection A penalty resulting in a player being removed from the game.


  • Face-off The method used to start play at the beginning and after each goal.
  • Fast Break A transition play with an offensive advantage, aiming for a quick score.
  • Face Dodge A dodge where the player moves the stick across their face to evade a defender.


  • Ground Ball A loose ball on the field, which players compete to gain possession of.
  • Goal The structure that players aim to send the ball into to score points.
  • Goalie The player who defends the goal.


  • Head The top part of the lacrosse stick where the ball is carried, caught, and thrown.
  • Helmet Protective gear worn by players to prevent head injuries.


  • Lacrosse Stick The equipment used by players to catch, carry, and pass the ball.


  • Man Down Playing with fewer players on the field due to a penalty.
  • Man Up Having an extra player advantage due to an opponent’s penalty.
  • Midfielder Players who play both offense and defense and can move the entire field.


  • Offside A rule violation that occurs when too few players are on one side of the field.


  • Pass Throwing the ball to a teammate.
  • Penalty A punishment for a rule violation, resulting in temporary suspension from the game.
  • Pocket The part of the stick’s head where the ball is carried.


  • Ride The act of trying to prevent a team from clearing the ball.


  • Scoop The action of picking up a ground ball.
  • Shoot Throwing the ball at the goal in an attempt to score.
  • Sideline The boundary line on the side of the field.
  • Slashing A penalty for hitting an opponent with the stick in an illegal manner.
  • Stick Checking Using the stick to try to dislodge the ball from an opponent’s stick.


  • Transition The shift from defense to offense or vice versa.


  • Unsettled Situation A play in which the defense is not fully organized, often leading to scoring opportunities.


  • Warding Off A foul where the player with the ball uses their free hand to push away a defender.
  • Wrap Check A defensive technique where a player swings their stick around an opponent to dislodge the ball.


  • X The area directly behind the goal.