Dyeing a lacrosse head can be an exciting way to customize your gear and stand out on the field. With a few simple materials and some careful steps, you can transform your lacrosse head into a vibrant work of art. This guide will walk you through each stage of the process, ensuring that even beginners can achieve great results safely and effectively.

Please take your time,

The process of dyeing a lacrosse head involves using fabric dye to change the color of the plastic. While this might sound straightforward, it requires attention to detail to avoid uneven coloring or damage to the head. By understanding the properties of the materials and the chemistry of the dye, we can ensure a smooth dyeing experience.

Following the dyeing process correctly is crucial for several reasons. Not only does it affect the final appearance of your lacrosse head, but it also ensures that the head remains functional and safe to use during gameplay. Adhering to the correct procedure will also help in maintaining the longevity of the dye job.

Materials Needed for Dyeing

Before embarking on your dyeing journey, gathering all necessary materials.

Tarp and Gloves

We highly suggest using newspaper or tarps to cover all items you do not want dyed.

RIT dye - liquid or powder

RIT dye is a popular choice for dyeing lacrosse heads because it's formulated to work with a variety of materials, including plastics. You can choose between liquid or powdered forms depending on your preference and availability.

Pot and hot water

You will need a large pot to boil water. The pot should be big enough to hold enough water to completely submerge your lacrosse head. It is best to use a pot that is not used for cooking, as the dye can leave residue.

Bucket for dyeing

A bucket or a container large enough to dip your lacrosse head into will be required. This container will hold the dye bath where the actual dyeing process takes place.

Lacrosse head to be dyed

Of course, you'll need a lacrosse head. Choose one that you wish to customize, white and clear heads like the ECD Ion work the best. Make sure it's clean and free of any debris or oils that could interfere with the dyeing process.

How to Dye Your Lacrosse Head

1. Boiling the water

Start by filling your pot with water and bringing it to a boil. The ideal temperature for dyeing with RIT dye is between 140° to 160°F (60 to 71°C). Do not put the head in boiling water. Using water that's too hot may warp the plastic, while too cool may result in faded colors.

2. Mixing the dye

Once the water has reached the appropriate temperature, pour it into your prepared bucket. Wearing rubber gloves, mix the RIT dye with hot tap water following the recommended ratio. For liquid dye, use 2 tablespoons per 2 cups of water, and for powder, 1/2 teaspoon per 2 cups.

3. Submerging the head in the dyed water

Stir the dye mixture thoroughly before submerging your lacrosse head. Ensure the head is fully immersed in the dye bath to achieve an even color. The time you should leave your head in the dye varies depending on the desired intensity of the color. A few minutes may suffice for a light tint, whereas a deeper hue will require a longer soak.

4. Timing and removing the head from the dye

Keep an eye on the clock as your head soaks in the dye bath. Once you've reached the desired shade, use tongs to carefully remove the head from the hot dye bath.

5. Rinse and Clean

Rinse it under warm water until the water runs clear, then allow it to dry completely before reassembling your fresh stick.

Tips for a Successful Dyeing Process

Always wear rubber gloves when handling dye to protect your skin and avoid staining your hands. Gloves also provide a better grip when stirring the dye and handling the lacrosse head.
Follow safety precautions when handling hot water and dye. Dealing with hot water and chemicals requires caution. Avoid burns by handling the pot and hot water with care. Keep the work area well-ventilated and avoid breathing in fumes from the dye.

Stir the dye mixture thoroughly

Stirring the dye mixture is important for even distribution of color. Make sure to stir thoroughly before placing the lacrosse head in the dye bath and occasionally during the dyeing process.

Have fun, be careful and send us your dyes